Marketing Portfolio

Kaylie Carroll



A graduate of Colorado State University-Pueblo, I have experience in branding, lifecycle marketing, content creation, and social media. My passion is connecting with others, nurturing relationships, and sharing a brand's story with the world.

Email, Web, and Social Media Templates


& Technical Skills


Google Analytics for Beginners Certification by Google

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Google


Social Media Certification by HubSpot


Inbound Marketing by HubSpot


Email & SMS Deliverability by Klaviyo


Briogeo Hair Care

Position: Customer Retention Coordinator



Staff feature

Holiday kit



As Customer Retention Coordinator, I had the opportunity to assist in creating all email and SMS assets for Briogeo. My role was to work hand in hand with the Associate Director of Customer Experience and Retention to brainstorm email topics: promotions, educational, staff-focused, evergreen, etc., and build briefs for the creative team on how we want the email to look and feel.

Healthy Hair School

In the fall of 2023, we introduced a new email series, ‘Healthy Hair School.’ Our goal was to create a program out of the type of content that performed well on email and give it a platform to stand on.

The Director of Education became the series highlight, giving the readers pro tips and tricks based on expertise and science.

Crane Point Industrial

Position: Marketing Coordinator

Website & App


In collaboration with a web design firm, we relaunched Crane Point's company website and launched an e-commerce mobile app. I oversaw the project timeline, managed creative assets, ran trials with veteran customers, and wrote copy for the app and website. I also aided with the Input of all products to the e-commerce app. Assets such as pictures, descriptions, Item numbers, cross reference Items.

App Campaign

Using social media, paid ads, emails, and print material we advertised our new mobile app to consumers. Crane Point was one of the first in its industry to launch an e-commerce app with a rewards program.

I was responsible for managing our digital media marketing agency and monitoring campaign efficacy, as well as executing email marketing and organic social media campaigns. These efforts resulted in:

  • 4,819 app visits
  • $20,000 < in revenue


1:1 Frame with Shadow


1:1 Frame with Shadow

Social Media


Crane Point’s brand identity focuses on maintaining a modern and family feel. We accomplished this by posting a mix of graphic content and real life photos.


1:1 Frame with Shadow


1:1 Frame with Shadow

Social Media


Crane Point is known for keeping relationships personal, caring for its customers, and striving to provide excellent customer service. While rebranding, Crane Point wanted to maintain the "family" feel our existing customers know and appreciate. I accomplished this by ensuring our social media channels featured human-based content, such as photos of employees, clients, and stores, with a secondary focus on our product offerings.

Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop
Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop


Monthly blog posts were uploaded to the Crane Point Industrial website. These blogs were SEO optimized, covering a wide range of topics from who a brand is to how to take care of your tools. I wrote several blogs for our website Including, the ones you see here. I would choose topics based off of best selling brands of the month, current weather patterns, common questions from customers, "how to's".



To support the various vendors sold by Crane Point, I planned and executed monthly product knowledge trainings at our corporate office, ensuring our sales teams understood the brand, its objective, the products sold, and how this will benefit our customers.

I would video call any team members not on site and obtain catalogs, samples, and any other material that I could take. In my office, I made folders for each vendor, inside being notes I took, catalogs, business cards, etc. for the sales team to quickly grab if needed.



Using HubSpot, I worked with agencies to create promotional, informational, and campaign-focused emails for our customers. I would gather customer emails from our CRM system, mobile app data, and contact forms. Our emails averaged an open rate of 37.17% and a 7% increase in CTR.

Other Graphics

PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans

Position: Marketing Assistant

Social Media


PJ's Coffee, a national coffee shop franchise, opened a new location in Pueblo West, Colorado. As their Marketing Assistant, my goal was to build local brand awareness, engage with the local community, and give consumers a reason to choose PJ's over its larger competitors.

I created and implemented a regional marketing strategy to increase foot traffic. We arranged booths at community bazaars and partnered with local businesses to host sampling events, showcasing what made PJ's Coffee unique. We also hosted music nights with local talent at the cafe to give customers a reason to stay, versus grabbing a coffee to go.

Alpha Kappa Psi

Position: Marketing Director

University Club

Social Media


Alpha Kappa Psi is a Co-Ed business fraternity with chapters around the world. During the spring semester of 2018, I was elected as the Director of Marketing. I ran the chapter's social media pages, helped with membership recruitment, designed clothing, and planned speaking engagements with major companies such as Target and OtterBox.

Associated Students of University of Wyoming

Position: Marketing Assistant


Social Media


Associated Students of the University of Wyoming is a student-elected body of government. I interned as an Assistant to the Marketing Director of ASUW. During my time interning, we launched a safety app for students to travel around campus without feeling afraid of the dark. I was held responsible for creating awareness of the app, and encouraging use, through social media content creation, print media, and Guardian spokesperson event.

When ASUW held elections for their fall student government, I assisted the Marketing Director by capturing and creating relevant content to be shared on the University's social media accounts.

Get in touch



(719) 225 - 9117



Kingwood, Texas 77339